❌ You know what’s a frustrating experience? Getting to season of taxes and then finding out you owe a hefty tax bill.

✅ You know what’s a much better one? Knowing how much you owe months in advance so you can prepare to pay that tax bill.

💯 And there’s one that tops it all: Figuring out how much you owe and finding ways to reduce it, if you still can.

📝 There’s just over a month left until the end of 2023, yet you still have time to implement some tax-saving strategies, such as:

  • Contributing to your company-sponsored 401(k) plan;
  • Realizing capital gains or losses;
  • Saving in your flexible spending account (FSA);
  • Paying deductible expenses;
  • Make charitable donations;
  • Complete a Roth conversion;
  • Taking advantage of home energy improvement tax credits;
  • And more…

🔎 But what strategies should I implement? 🔍

It depends on your particular situation, and the best way to find out how to save the most on taxes is to talk to a professional, so Wave Tax is here to help. If you want to know more about the different options you have to deduct taxes, don’t hesitate to contact us at info@wavetax.us

✅ At Wave Tax and Financial Solutions we are here to help you organize your finances 💯

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